Reuben Abela

Branch Location:
RE/MAX Advantage - Msida

Reuben Abela joined RE/MAX in 2019, and today he is a Property Consultant with RE/MAX Advantage Msida. His main focus is working with second-time buyers looking for properties in the central areas. Reuben is hard-working and will make sure to exceed the client's expectations and help them find the perfect property, whether it's a home for their family or that lucrative investment they are after. 
  • English
  • Maltese
A friend of mine told me to reach out to Reuben in order for him to find us our future home. I made contact with many other agents, but Reuben really stood out from the rest, he was always straight to the point, and spoke like he saw it. He never gave up and kept showing us different properties even though we are hard to please. I would highly recommend Reuben to anyone to get the job done.

Reuben għamlilna l-ħajja faċli meta konna qed infittxu l-ewwel dar tagħna. Wara l-ewwel house visit, kien pront biex jidentifika l-gosti tagħna, kemm bħala stil kif ukoll bħala lokalita`. Apprezzajna ħafna d-dedikazzjoni tiegħu u l-ħeġġa li wera biex jipprova jsibilna d-dar ideali tagħna. Bħala first-time buyers, Reuben kien il-gwida tagħna u bil-paċenzja u l-onesta` kollha, spjegalna t-tajjeb u l-ħażin f’kull proprjeta` li żorna. Ma ddejjaq xejn jgħinna ninnegozjaw il-prezz mal-bejjiegħ u għamel ħiltu biex kulħadd jieħu fair deal. Aġent tassew ferrieħi, ġenwin u dedikat. Grazzi Reuben! Keep it up!"

Reuben's help in our search for property has been crucial. He listened attentively to our wishes and did not waste our time. He is friendly, approachable and always available. Reuben is knowledgeable in the field and will not disappoint.

I met him and from that day we looked forward to discussing and working together in order to find something special for our needs. Reuben understands the system and even gives professional advice regarding ancillary issues related to property in order for the process to be as swift as possible. I will recommend him to anyone without hesitation as he is a professional and in order to understand the customers needs and be the bridge between the seller and the purchaser.

A big thank you to Reuben for all the help and time you gave me in looking for a property to buy. You are professional and hard working, and also a gentleman. I would highly recommend anyone to enlist their property with you. Once again, big thank you

A thank you to Reuben for all his help in looking for a property. Boundless patience, professionalism and hard work are defining characteristics of his work approach.

I was recommended by a friend to reach out to RE/MAX in order to get my house sold. I had my house with most agencies. Reuben was looking after us and he really stood out from the rest, he was always straight to the point and spoke like he saw it. He understood the urgency and worked his magic to get the job done. I would highly recommend anyone to enlist their property with RE/MAX. Thank you Ruben.

I saw an advertisement for a townhouse for sale. After viewing the property I realized that it was overpriced... After many negotiations with owners, Reuben managed to get a fair price with was happy with and closed the deal. Would highly recommend Ruben for all your property needs.

Reuben's hard work made the sale of my property happen effectively and efficiently. Much Appreciated!

Reuben sold my Penthouse in Attard, his service was very professional and he managed to succeed since he had a deep understanding of the buyer's needs. It is rare to find such professionalism and competence in today’s real estate market

Reuben is professional, friendly, honest and knowledgeable; I could not recommend him enough. He is an expert on the local market and provided me with a vast selection of properties available according to my preferences. Once again thank you for your guidance and honest opinion throughout the process.

I would recommend Reuben without hesitation. Should you be in the market for a property purchase or a commercial investment you should look no further. He is professional, knowledgeable, and honest